For or Since ?
Quizz grammatical.
par MCS
10 questions
1. He hasn't caught a Pikachu ... he started playing PokemonGo.
a Since
b For
2. Mrs Johns has been my teacher... 4 years.
a Since
b For
3. Ronaldo has been the best football player... ages.
a Since
b For
4. Mrs Taka hasn't been to a Mangame Show... February.
a Since
b For
5. I haven't swum in the pool ... last summer.
a Since
b For
6. I haven't eaten vegetables ... one week.
a Since
b For
7. We have studied physics... we were in second year.
a Since
b For
8. I haven't done sports... September.
a Since
b For
9. I have had my phone... one year.
a Since
b For
10. I haven't driven a car.... I was born.
a Since
b For