Steve Jobs
Quiz about Steve Jobs.
par antoine08
10 questions
1. Who is the creator of Apple?
a Bill Gates
b Tim Cook
c Steve Jobs
d Mark Zuckerberg
2. What year is Apple created?
a 15 janvier 1945
b 1 avril 1976
c 15 avril 2002
d 25 aout 1995
3. How is steve's wife jobs ?
a Lucy Jobs
b Laurene Powell Jobs
c Louise Jobs
d Antoinette Jobs
4. What great invention has he created?
a Iphone 4s
b Iphone 10
c Iphone 9
d Iphone 5c
5. How many children do you have ?
a 7
b 1
c 4
d 0
6. How much money is there ?
a 10 billion
b 2 billion
c 7 billion
d 14 billion
7. Where is his company ?
a Paris
b Lyon
c California
d New York
8. At what age is he dead?
a 56
b 47
c 69
d 25
9. What is he dead ?
a Heart attack
b Car accident
c Lung cancer
d Pancreatic cancer
10. What nationality is it ?
a French
b Enfland
c American
d China