How much you know about this guys ?
par Dany
6 questions
1. What's the first name of him ?
a Cameron Dallas
b Carter Reynolds
c Jacob Whitesides
d Nash Grier
2. When is nash's birthday ?
a February 22nd
b January, 13th
c December, 28th
d November, 5th
3. Who's him ?
a Matthew Espinosa
b Justin Bieber
c Cameron Dallas
d Taylor Caniff
4. Of Who is this song ?
a Taylor Caniff
b Shawn Mendes
c Jack & Jack
d Cameron Dallas
5. When is Matthew's Birthday ?
a July 7, 1997
b July 7, 1999
c June 7, 1997
d July 7, 1995
6. What's the name of the last song (Of Question 4) ?
a A Little Too Muchh
b Life Of The Party
c Paradise
d Never Be Alone