Traduction Français vers Anglais : Phrases et mots.
par Mamaouta
10 questions
1. J'aimerais manger des pommes
a I would like eat some apples
b I would like to eat apples
c I wood like eat some apples
d I would like eating apples
2. Jardinerie
a Gardeneria
b Center garden
c Garden center
d Gardening
3. Mon chat est tellement laid
a Mine cat is so ugly
b Me cat is so ugly
c My cat is very ugly
d My cat is so ugly
4. Ordinaire
a Ordinary
b Commonly
c Ordinar
d Regulared
5. J'ai faim
a I'm angry
b I'm hangry
c I'm hungry
d I'm affamed
6. Brochette de fourmi
a Aunt skewer
b Ent skewered
c Ant skewer
d Ant skiwer
7. Pipette jaugée
a Jauged flask
b Volumetric flask
c Volumetric pipette
d Volumetric pipet
8. Chignon
a Ball tail
b Ban
c Pig tail
d Bun
9. Je suis amoureux d'elle
a I'm in loved with her
b I'm in love with her
c I'm in love with him
d I love her
10. Foulard
a Scarf
b Keffier
c Fulard
d Furd