Les anglais fêtent leur anniversaire !

17 joueurs
  1. Aujourd’hui, c’est l’anniversaire d’Emma.
    Aujourd’hui, c’est l’anniversaire d’Emma.
    • Today is Emma's birthday.
    • It’s today Emma’s birthday.
    • Today Emma’s birthday.
    • Today is Emma birthday.
  2. Sa soeur lui a offert une poupée.
    Sa soeur lui a offert une poupée.
    • His sister gave her a doll.
    • Her sister gall her an doll.
    • His sister gave his a doll
    • Her sister gave her a doll.
  3. Tom prend qu'une part de gâteau.
    Tom prend qu'une part de gâteau.
    • Tom dolles a piece of cake.
    • Tom takes a piece of cake.
    • Tom take a pieces of cake.
    • Tom dolles a peece of cake
  4. Tous les amis d'Emma sont présents.
    Tous les amis d'Emma sont présents.
    • All of Emma's friends are present.
    • All of Emma friends are present.
    • All of Emma's friends is present.
    • Her Emma's friends are present
  5. Emma a reçu une carte d'anniversaire de sa tante.
    Emma a reçu une carte d'anniversaire de sa tante.
    • Emma received a birthday card from her aunt.
    • Emma received a birthday card from his aunt.
    • Emma received a birthday bear from her aunt.
    • Emma received an birthday cards from her aunt.
  6. Emma a préparé des jeux avec ses amis.
    Emma a préparé des jeux avec ses amis.
    • Emma has prepared games our her friends.
    • Emma his prepared games with her friends.
    • Emma has prepared games with your friends.
    • Emma has prepared games with her friends.
  7. Sa mère a préparé la salle d’anniversaire pour la fête.
    Sa mère a préparé la salle d’anniversaire pour la fête.
    • His mother has prepared the birthday room for the party.
    • Her mother has prepared an birthday room in the party.
    • Her mother is prepared the birthday room for the party.
  8. Sa cousine Lola l’a appelée pour son anniversaire.
    Sa cousine Lola l’a appelée pour son anniversaire.
    • Her cousin Lola call her for her birthday.
    • Her cousin Lola called his for her birthday.
    • Her cousin Lola called her for her birthday.
    • His cousin Lola calls her for her birthday.
  9. Emma a mis de la musique.
    Emma a mis de la musique.
    • Emma put on some music.
    • Emma her on some music.
    • Emma is put on some music.
    • Emma puts on somes music.
  10. Tous les accessoires sont prêts pour la fête.
    Tous les accessoires sont prêts pour la fête.
    • Of the accessories are reading for the party.
    • All of the accessoiries are ready for the party.
    • All the accessoiries are ready for the party.
  11. Les enfants veulent éclater les ballons.
    Les enfants veulent éclater les ballons.
    • The child want to pop the ballons.
    • The children are want to pop the balloons.
    • Childrens want to go pop the balloons.
    • Children want to pop the balloons.
Bonne chance !
  • Créé le 24/05/2021
  • Publié le 24/05/2021
  • Modifié le 24/05/2021
  • Difficulté Moyen
  • Questions 11
  • Thème Culture étrangère

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